Friday, August 12, 2011

Wishing the Days Away...written by Judi

I am sure we all do it from time to time...wish the days away.  You know how it goes, "I will be happy when this week is over!" "I will be happy when the baby gets his teeth in and cheers up."  "I will be happy once this baby is born" "I will be happy when we have our debt payed off."  "I will be happy when this class/final is over."  "I will be happy when we buy a house." ect. ect. and on and on...

I just finished reading The Diary of a Young Girl, Anne Frank.  What an interesting book (I had read it years ago, but decided to reread it.)  She had some great insight for a young girl.  Here is the quote that I loved from the book.

"Riches, prestige, everything can be lost.  But the happiness in your own heart can only be dimmed; it will always be there, as long as you live, to make you happy again."

Thomas, trying to wish away the days until he was as old and cool as his 3-year-old brother who gets to sit on that cool little chair and go "potty."
There is one thing that I learned from uncertain and sometimes difficult times, don't wish away the days.  Happiness starts today, not next week, not when you can buy a house, not when you pay off that debt, not when the baby is born....

So, today I will be happy.  Today I will live in the moment.  I won't wish today away, because TODAY is the day that I get to have William be 3 1/2 years old and Thomas 18 months old, and Mike still in love with me (luckily!) and well, if I start wishing all the days away, there will be NO happiness EVER and misery will overcome me. 

I am wishing you a HAPPY day today and like Anne Frank, I hope your happiness that has been dimmed by something in your life will be reignited today.  Happy Friday!

1 comment:

Tami said...

Judes, I think you're right that we wish the days away. I also think that if we aren't careful, the days will slip away from us without us even knowing. I have been trying so hard to savor each moment I have with our new baby because it will be a while until I have my own newborn again. Thanks for the reminder to enjoy every moment while I have it.

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