Wednesday, August 24, 2011


Well, we are successfully back in school. At least the kids are anyway, but I'll claim it too since I have to get everyone ready and out the door and help with the reading and homework when they get home. Plus, I have a kindergartener (half-day at our school) which breaks up the day. I have been having so much fun home with Austin alone in the morning. I don't think he and I have had too many alone moments in his life, and we've had fun running errands, going to doctor's appointments and working around the house together. He follows me around and talks to me a lot. It is nice to have some quiet time in the mornings.

I normally love having my kids home and around me, but this summer has been hot and long. Being pregnant has thrown a wrench into my normal life. It was difficult keeping everyone entertained, fed, and getting along all summer long. I kept looking forward to school and although it is kind of hard keeping up with schedules, reading, piano, and lunches, I am having the nice change of pace that I was looking forward to. Here are some pictures of my cutie pies on their first day! Yeah for school....Hallelujah!

Austin was so cute. He has worn his backpack every day to take the kids to school! He just can't figure out why everyone else stays at school and he comes home with me! :)

1 comment:

Em Russ said...

so cute. My kids don't start till next week (the twins in preschool). I always love summer, but this last few days I have been on the count down. I am looking forward to time with just my one little man too.

Hope you're feeling better!

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